About Me

Hello! I am Narendra Kurnia, in my 22 years old, originally from Indonesia and today I live in London..now, after graduated from Engineering Physics - Bandung Institute of Technology I intended to continue my study on a higher level; really interest on Biomedical Engineering cause it's formed by a harmonically interaction between every branch of natural sciences; Physics, Chemistry, Biology and absolutely Mathematics, also concerned on medical issue! it's so cool, isn't it?, that's why I'm here now, as a MSc Student in Biomedical Engineering, Imperial College London.

I decided to have a research and education career. to be a lecturer is my personal dream. now, i am busy with my activity on campus-lectures-courseworks and so on; I was a tutor on several course in ITB, and you know? I really love to do that!.
love traveling, learn English, French and Dutch, enjoyed tea, watching film,write and hanging out with friends. World is so amazing for me and I could learn everything through its dynamical and fascinating daily life!

"Verba volant, scripta manent" ~ "spoken words fly away, written words remain"

have a nice read!

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